Stratford Bike Hire

Stratford Bike Hire
What better way to see bike!

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Another Sunday Evening

Sunday comes around too quickly! I still havent done my long run this week and still no sign of getting on the bike.

Stratford leisure centre has rebranded to Everyone Active. They plan to promote all forms of activity including cycling and walking. I plan to join up with them to run guided cycle fitness sessions this year. What better way to get fit and maybe shed a few pounds!

Hopefully next Sun I will at least have been on the bike!!

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Blogging - A whole new world


Having just read a blog from a similar mid 30 something blogger who has decided to get his work life balance right I have convinced my self that I can do it as well (blog that is). Having read blogs of the likes of Chris Evans and (please forgive me for my sins) the Togmeister its not something I ever thought I would do but here goes!!! ....and yes I know Radio2 is for old gits!

Having been a Programme Manger in the car industry for the last 15 years I decided to last year to change my direction a bit and started a cycle hire company. Being a keen cyclist and being lucky enough to live in Stratford upon Avon which is a fantastic place to live and with lots of tourists for some reason I thought there might just be a market. I am about to start my second year and thought I would try to keep a blog of stuff that goes on with the business. You can check me out at

I am also a keenish triathlete and need a bit of a kick to get some effort put back in my training and hopefully I can remind myself when I am doing well or more likely when I'm not.

Well done to everyone who ran Not the Roman IX today. I was marshalling and had a great time as usual watching everyone race. Even if it meant a 6am start to mark out the course.
